Academic Calendar 2019-2020



May  1 – 20, 2019

Invites Application for New Academic Year

May 15- June 1, 2019

New Admissions

June 3, 2019

Students arrival & College Re-opening

June 3-4, 2019

Registration for new students

June 5-7, 2019

Orientation/ Character Formation classes for students.

June 10, 2019

Official inauguration of New Academic year

June  11, 2019

First Semester Classes begins

June 26, 2019

Fresher’s Night

June 28, 2019

Monthly Fasting Prayer

July 15-19, 2019

Spiritual Renewal chapel services

July 26, 2019

Monthly Fasting Prayer

August 15, 2019

Independence Day

August30, 2019

Monthly Fasting Prayer

September 5, 2019

Teachers Day Celebration

September 11,2019

Onam Holiday

September 20, 2019

Monthly Fasting Prayer

October 1-4, 2019

First  semester Exam

October 7, 2019

Second semester begins

October  25, 2019

Monthly Fasting prayer

November 29, 2019

Monthly Fasting Prayer

December 20, 2019

Campus Christmas Celebration

December 21, 2019 –

January 03, 2020


Christmas/New Year break

January 06, 2020

Class begin after Christmas/New year break

January 26, 2020

Republic day

January 30 , 2020

Monthly Fasting Prayer

February 20, 2020

Cultural Program

February 28, 2020

Monthly Fasting Prayer

March 02-06, 2020

Mission Week chapels

March 09-12, 2020

Second Semester Final Examination

March 13, 2020

College picnic &Farewell Program

March 20, 2020

Preparation for Leaders Seminar and Graduation

March 21, 2020

Alumni Meeting (10.00am -12.30 pm)

March 21, 2020

Graduation Service (Tentative) (04.00-6.30 pm)

March 22, 2020

Campus Cleaning

March 24- 30, 2020

Departure for Practical Ministry

April 01-30, 2020

Students Practical Ministry

May 01-31, 2020

Summer Vocation

N.B: Watch night Intercessory prayer on every Friday night after 09.30 Pm




OT-   Introduction to Old Testament:- A summary of the Old Testament that sets its books in the context along with historical backgrounds.


OT  Biblical Hebrew:-  An introduction to  linguistic aspects biblical Hebrew, vocabulary, grammatical form and structure of the sentences. 


Pentateuch:-  This course is an introduction to the first five books of the O.T in which the purpose and theme of the books will be identified.  Special emphasis will be given to the historical background and its implications today.


Poetical and wisdom Literature:  This course is a survey of Hebrew Poetry in the Old Testament.  It helps the students to understand the literary characteristics of Hebrew poetry and its interpretation and message for spiritual life.




Synoptic Gospels:- This course is emphasizes the background study of the formation of the gospels and its sources.


Preliminary Greek:-

An introduction to basic elements  and grammar of Greek language.


Johannine Thought:- This is the study of gospel of John and the epistles of John with a view to rediscover the doctrinal truths and their relevance to the  present context.


Pauline Theology:-  This course is prepared to review the critical discussion of Pauline Theology with a special concern of the structure and coherence of Paul’s thoughts and ministry.



Biblical Theology:-

The course lays on a study of Old Testament theology with emphasis upon the historical development of key concepts of theology. A survey   of   the   biblical theology can be comprehended in its progressive unfolding of the history of redemption against the backdrop of creation and sin. The special attention is given to the literary, historical, cultural, and theological dimensions of OT Scripture. A particular emphasis is placed on the unity of Scripture as it reaches its fullness and fulfilment in Jesus Christ.


Systematic Theology:- This course is the a survey of branches of Systematic Theology and its importance on learning for theologizing.


Historical Theology:


Christian Ethics:- This course is a study of Godly standards and characters to develop personal character, moral and principles to live in good conduct with self, God and society.


Contemporary Trends in Theology:-

This course is an analysis  of contemporary



History of Christianity:- This course  focus on the early, medival reformations and modern history of Christianity.


History of Christianity in Asia with special emphasis on India:-  This course covers the brief survey of the origin and development of some of the mainline Churches in Asia with special emphasis on the expansion and growth of the Churches in India.


History of Pentecostal Movements:-  This course is an introduction to the historical study of the growth of Pentecostal movements in the world with special reference to the origin and developments of Pentecostalism in India.



          World Major Religions


          Understanding Indian Society

          Introduction to Indian Philosophy



Introduction to Communication: Theory and Practice

Biblical Basis of Mission

Biblical Hermeneutics


Christian Education

Church Planting and Growth

Biblical Counseling

Pastoral Theology

Christian Apologetics







Research Methods




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